Policies and Rules
- How Do I Register For Dial-A-Ride?
- Driver’s Responsibilities
- Personal Care Attendants (PCA’s)
- What if I Have a Wheelchair?
- Can I Transport My Service Animal?
- Blind/Low-Vision Accessibility
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing Accessibility
- FAQs
- No Show/Cancellation Policy
- Rules of Courtesy
- Customer Service
How Do I Register For Dial-A-Ride?
Individuals interested in utilizing Dial-A-Ride must be registered and certified eligible by Humboldt Transit Authority before using the services.
The ADA Dial-a-Ride application requires healthcare verification. Please choose a healthcare professional that can best document your abilities (medical doctor, physical therapist, occupational therapist, social worker, nurse, etc.) To register for these services, call HTA office at (707) 443-0826 or complete the Dial-A-Ride Application.
At your request, an application will be mailed explaining registration and eligibility certification process.
Upon receiving a completed eligibility application, HTA staff will evaluate the application and obtain further information from your healthcare or social services provider to determine your eligibility status. Eligibility may be granted on a temporary, conditional, or unconditional basis. Conditional and temporary applications will be granted for up to one (1) year and unconditional for five (5) years. HTA recertifies registered clients every 5 years.
Note: A rider is only certified to use Dial-A-Ride for a certain period of time, typically one or five years, unless it is a temporary approval. Please note the expiration date you are given. You will be notified by mail 60 days prior to your eligibility expiration date. Dial-A-Ride tickets must be purchased in advance.
If you do not meet the ADA eligibility criteria, you will be informed of the decision in writing or by telephone. You have the right to appeal the denial of eligibility, the level of eligibility granted, or for those with conditional eligibility, a specific condition. You must initiate an appeal by contacting the Humboldt Transit Authority in writing within 30 days of the date of the denial letter or telephone call. A letter will then be sent explaining your appeal options including appearing in person with additional information or sending in additional written materials.
An Appeals Committee will review the original decision made and make a final decision as to your eligibility. You have the right to be present at an appeal hearing in front of the Appeals Committee. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be communicated in writing within 30 business days after the appeal record is complete. If a final decision is not made in writing within this period, Dial-A-Ride service will be available until such time as the final decision is made. If you are a visitor, and eligible for Dial-A-Ride service in another area, you can use Dial-A-Ride for up to 21 days. If you expect you will need more than 21 days of service you are encouraged to submit an application.
Keeping Information Up-To-Date
Please call the Humboldt Transit Authority if there is a change in the following:
- Your address or telephone number
- Your emergency contact’s name or telephone number
- Your need for a personal care attendant
- Your need for subscription service
When a person is registered as eligible for ADA Paratransit service and does not use the service for 12 consecutive months, he or she is considered an “inactive” customer and the file is “archived.” If a reservationist informs you that you are an inactive customer, you will be asked to contact the HTA office for further information and you will also be informed of any current fare or ticket price changes.
Driver’s Responsibilities
Vehicle operators will treat you with courtesy and dignity as they escort you to and from the main door of your pick-up locations and help you get on and off the vehicle. They can stow small personal belongings, push a manual wheelchair, provide directions or act as a sighted guide.
Drivers are not Permitted to:
- Operate, push or lift your electric mobility device
- Transfer passengers from wheelchairs to vehicle seats
- Lift or carry riders
- Cross residential thresholds
- Carry packages and other items
- Secure child safety systems in the vehicle or children into such systems
Personal Care Attendants (PCA’s)
A personal care attendant (PCA) assists the passenger with daily life functions, and may provide assistance during the ride or at the destination. If you need assistance to travel, riding with a personal care attendant is strongly encouraged. A personal care attendant is not required to pay a fare and must be picked up and dropped off at the same location as the passenger.
What if I Have a Wheelchair?
Each time you schedule a trip, the dispatcher must be informed of the type of mobility device you will be using for your trip. Humboldt Dial-a-Ride will accommodate standard wheelchairs, scooters and other mobility devices that meet the ADA definitions. Mobility devices larger than those specifications and unable to be secured properly, may be denied service. Wheelchairs must be secured at all times during boarding, disembarking and transport operations. For safety reasons, you are strongly encouraged to have working brakes on your mobility device. If you use a scooter-type wheelchair and are capable of transferring to a vehicle seat, you are strongly urged to do so during transport. It is your choice to transfer or remain in your mobility device.
Can I Transport My Service Animal?
The use of a service animal must be identified at the time of your eligibility assessment. Please tell the reservationist when you book trips that you will be traveling with a service animal. You may be asked to confirm that your animal is a service animal. Service animals must have current rabies vaccination.
Riders Who are Blind or Low-Vision
If you are blind or have a vision impairment, you can ride transit.
Accessibility features
- All ticket machines have audio/indicators for inserting bus tickets.
- Bus drivers announce major bus stops and transfer points. ( You can also ask your operator to announce when your specific stop is coming.)
- Service animals are permitted on all buses. Learn more about bringing your service animal on board
Travel Aids Available
- Location and amenity information for every stop and station is available for users of Sendero Group’s BrailleNote or VoiceNote GPS wayfinding devices.
Data for BrailleNote and VoiceNote GPS Wayfinding Device
Visually impaired riders using The Sendero Group BrailleNote or VoiceNote GPS wayfinding devices can access location and amenity information for every bus stop.
The Sendero Group includes transit information in its BrailleNote/VoiceNote User Points of Interest (“POI”) database.
Braile Note/Voice Note User PQI download page
How it works
You can either “look around” by retrieving information relative to your GPS position or you can virtually explore an area before going there (this lets you review transit options before starting a trip).
In seconds, you’ll know:
- The distance and direction to the nearest transit stop
- Which bus routes serve the stop
For more information
If you are interested in acquiring a BrailleNote/VoiceNote GPS device, contact Sendero Group at www.senderogroup.com or call 1-530-757-6800.
Riders who are deaf or hard of hearing
If you have difficulty hearing on a standard telephone, dial 711 to reach the California Relay Service (CRS) and reach Humboldt Transit Authority. Humboldt Transit Authority’s phone number is 707-443-0826.
What if The Vehicle Breaks Down?
Dial-A-Ride vehicles occasionally experience mechanical problems. If your vehicle breaks down, the driver will notify the dispatcher or the situation and another vehicle will be sent immediately.
When the vehicle arrives, all passengers will be transferred and transported to their destinations. Please remember that you must remain in the vehicle until the driver instructs you to exit.
How Long Will My Ride Wait?
When the vehicle arrives, the vehicle operator will wait no more than five minutes. If the vehicle arrives before your pick-up time starts, you may leave if you are ready. If you are not ready, the vehicle operator will wait until your “pick-up window” starts and only wait 5 minutes.
What if My Ride is Late?
If your ride has not arrived within 30 minutes after your “ready time”, call (707) 442-4555 and a dispatcher will update you on the status of your ride.
What if I Need To Cancel a Trip?
The Humboldt Dial-a-Ride Line is open 24 hours, (707) 442-4555. The minimum cancellation notice required for trips that are not needed is 2 hours in advance of the scheduled pick-up time.
No Show/Cancellation Policy
A no show occurs when a rider fails to appear to board the vehicle for a scheduled trip. This presumes the vehicle arrives at the scheduled pickup location and the driver waits at least 15 minutes within the pickup window.
Because No Shows and Late Cancelations prevent other passengers from obtaining rides, an accumulation of No Shows and/or Late Cancelations may result in suspension of service. The following situations will be considered a violation of the No-Show/Late Cancelation Policy and service will be suspended if:
- Our No-Show Policy is in accordance with the US DOT ADA Regulations Part 49 CFR §37.131 (b). The Dial-a-Ride computer system keeps track of each trip a customer has requested, scheduled, taken, canceled and/or “no showed.” When a No Show occurs, the computer will calculate the percentage of No Shows for that customer’s scheduled trips for the preceding six (6) months. Because No Shows and Late Cancellations prevent other passengers from obtaining rides, an accumulation of No Shows and/or Late Cancellations may result in suspension of service.
Policy for Subsequent Trips Following No-Shows:
The Dial-a-Ride computer system keeps track of each trip a customer has requested, scheduled, taken, canceled and/or “no showed.” When a No Show occurs, the computer will calculate the percentage of No Shows for that customer’s scheduled trips for the preceding six (6) months.
Because No Shows and Late Cancelations prevent other passengers from obtaining rides, an accumulation of No Shows and/or Late Cancelations may result in suspension of service.
Passengers that are suspended according to the no-show/late cancelation policy and continue to violate this policy will be subject to longer suspension periods.
The following suspension periods shall apply:
- 1st suspension: 2-week period
- 2nd suspension: 1-month period
- 3rd suspension: 3-month period
- 4th suspension: 6-month period
Passengers who appeal a proposed suspension may continue to ride pending a decision on the appeal. If the appeal is denied, the suspension shall be imposed effective the date the appeal is denied, pending final notification to the passenger.
No-Shows Due to Error or to Circumstances Beyond a Rider’s Control:
Humboldt Transit Authority does not count as no-shows or late cancelations any trips due to error, such as:
- Trips placed on the schedule in error
- Pickups scheduled at the wrong pickup location
- Drivers arriving and departing before the pickup window begins
- Drivers arriving late after the end of the pickup window
- Drivers arriving within the pickup window, but departing without waiting the required 5 minutes
- Long hold times at Humboldt Dial-a-Ride operations center that prevent callers from canceling trips by telephone in a timely manner
The Humboldt Transit Authority does not count as no-shows or late cancelations situations beyond rider’s control such as:
- Medical emergency
- Family emergency
- Sudden illness or change in condition
- Appointment that runs unexpectedly late without sufficient notice
Riders should contact the Humboldt Dial-a-Ride operations center when experiencing no-shows or late cancellations due to circumstances beyond their control.
Rider Rules of Courtesy
Common-sense rules ensure safety and comfort for all passengers and the driver. If you are new to our bus system, there are several tips that will help making your trip a safe one see the How to Ride page. We ask that riders observe the Rules and Conduct which include, but are not limited to:
- Smoking is prohibited
- Vehicle operators do not make change, or accept checks
- Do not distract the vehicle operator while the vehicle is in motion
- Shirts and shoes are required on the vehicle
- Bring a personal care attendant, if needed
- No eating or drinking is allowed on the vehicle
- No physical abuse of another rider or the vehicle operator
- Mobility devices and wheelchairs must be clean and in good working order
Depending on the severity of the violation, the following penalties will generally be enforced for riders who violate any Rules of Conduct:
- One (1) violation: Verbal Warning
- Two (2) violations: Written Warning
- Three (3) or more violations: Suspension of service for a minimum of 30 days.
Note: Riders who engage in physical abuse or cause physical injury to another rider or driver may be subject to immediate and permanent suspension, and criminal prosecution.
There is an appeals process that allows riders the opportunity to appeal warnings or suspensions for violations of the Rules of Conduct. Appeals must be made in writing within 30 days. For more information please contact Humboldt Transit Authority, 133 V Street, Eureka CA 95501
Customer Service
Our goal is to provide you with reliable, quality transportation, and effective response.
If passengers have a complaint or recommendation, we would like to know. Passengers can send a customer service request directly from our contact page or by submitting the complaint by mail or email. We will carefully research your request and respond within 30 days (often much sooner).
Passengers can also communicate through e-mail by emailing: paratransit@hta.org
Passengers may find the answers to their questions or concerns by visiting our website, emailing us, or calling our operator. If preferred, US Postal Mail is also accepted.
Contact Information
Humboldt Transit Authority
133 V Street
Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: (707) 443-0826
Fax: (707) 443-2032
Customer Service Representatives
Humboldt Transit Authority
(707) 443-0826
Dial-A-Ride Reservations
Humboldt Dial-A-Ride
(707) 442-4555
FTA compliance
Title VI is a section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requiring that “No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Humboldt Transit Authority grants all citizens equal access to its transportation services and is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Humboldt Transit Authority will not discriminate against qualified individuals on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. (Title VI, Civil Rights Act (1964); Title II, Americans with Disability Act (1990))