Microtransit Update – HTA Testing Ride Humboldt Flex Service
It has come to our attention that news about Ride Humboldt Flex, HTA’s bus stop to bus stop microtransit pilot, is now being widely shared. We are thrilled so many people are interested in this new service!
Flex is currently in a testing phase so we can identify areas of improvement and correct weaknesses before inviting the public to use the system. Our priority is for riders to have a positive experience on Flex. If you choose to participate in this testing phase based on online information from other sources, we ask for your patience and request that you leave feedback through the system after your ride. HTA is not offering technical assistance to new users during testing.
Flex is much like Uber or Lyft where you can schedule custom rides, but in a shared vehicle. You will be able to take trips to and from any bus stop, as well as additional approved locations that will be added over time. It will be ADA accessible but is not a door-to-door service like Dial-a-Ride.
We look forward to sharing Ride Humboldt Flex with you, keep an eye out on our website www.hta.org and social media accounts for more information!