Background and Context
HTA is currently procuring, through separate procurement for Project 23-01, a Design-Builder to construct a permanent hydrogen fueling station with liquid storage. To meet the timelines for delivery of HTA’s first fuel cell electric bus, HTA is separately procuring temporary fueling services through at least January of 2026, after which the Design-Builder for Project 23-01 will provide temporary fueling services through project acceptance of the permanent fueling station.
Some key milestones leading up to this RFP include the following:
- 2018: Procurement of first battery electric bus;
- 2020: HTA completed a Battery Electric Bus Feasibility Study;
- 2021: HTA completed a Comparative Analysis of Electric and Hydrogen Transit Fleets;
- 2021: HTA Board authorized staff to pursue grant funding for zero emission infrastructure and buses;
- 2022: The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) completed the 2022-2042 Regional Transportation Plan which identifies the following related regional targets:
- 100% of public buses and school buses are zero emission by 2030;
- Each governmental agency starts converting fleet vehicles to zero-emission by 2022, with interim targets to meet the State’s 2035 goals:
- 25% of public fleet passenger cars, SUVs, and forklifts are zero-emission by 2025, and 50% by 2030, and
- 30% of public fleet medium-duty and pick-up trucks are zero-emission by 2030;
- 100% of public fleet work vehicles are zero emission by 2036;
- In Humboldt County, by 2024 hydrogen fuel is available for public transit and long-haul commercial fleet vehicles, with green hydrogen fuel available as much and as soon as possible;
- In Humboldt County, by 2030 there is sufficient hydrogen fueling infrastructure and green hydrogen fuel available to enable inter-county travel of medium and heavy-duty fuel-cell EVs;
- 2022: HTA won a Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) Cycle 5 grant to, in part, procure eleven fuel cell electric buses, construct a hydrogen fueling station, and operate a new intercity route between Eureka and Ukiah with fuel cell electric buses. The fueling station is to provide both in-yard fleet fueling and over-the-fence public fueling;
- 2023: HTA won a TIRCP Cycle 6 grant to develop a prototype fuel cell electric over-the-road coach;
- 2023: HTA Board approved the Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan v1.0 which targets a 100% hydrogen fleet by 2040.
- 2023: HTA released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Project 23-01
- 2024: HTA released version 1 of the RFP for Project 23-01 which resulted in no award.
- 2024: HTA released version 2 of the RFP for Project 23-01 which is currently open to bids from Qualified Bidders.
RFP Materials
HTA is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Project 24-02 seeking Submittals from qualified individuals or firms to provide a temporary hydrogen fueler and supply of hydrogen fuel to support the operation of one or more fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) at Humboldt Transit Authority’s Corporation Yard, located at 133 V Street, Eureka, CA 95501, for an initial term from January 15, 2025 through January 14, 2026 with three six- (6) month renewal options. The minimum fuel demand required is 75 kg per week. Gaseous solutions are highly preferred. Solutions that minimize the amount of site work and electrical load required are highly valued.
- Request for Proposals Version 2 for Project 24-02
- Notices
- Addenda
- Questions and Answers
- Notice of Bid Results